Hello my lovelies! Today we have a very unusual topic. Attitude. Let me tell you a bit about that. Enjoy!
Over the past two weeks, we have been taking a programme called Attitude. Attitude is a small group of people that talk to you about puberty. It was quite weird at first, hearing that we were going to partake in this, because obviously it is quite an awkward topic. But it actually wasn't too bad. The man that presented made it really fun. He made us all laugh and cringe together, but it was pretty funny at the end of the day. During the talk he pretty much told us about what changes we were going to experience with Hauora. Hauora is four different categories of our body, physical well being, mental and emotional well being, social well being, and spiritual well being. Our presenter told us that there was nothing to worry about though; these changes would develop our future selves, and turn us into adults. During the next session, we split into males and females. Our instructor, Emma was super funny and took all of the awkwardness away. We did a quiz, and she answered some questions. She told us a little more about changes us females would have, and that was that. On our most recent lesson, our teachers instructed us. We learnt more about our Hauora, and did an improved and unimproved list of things that would determine our growth. Here is mine
I think the Attitude programme so far has been OK. On a scale of one to ten (one being hate so much, ten being love more than anything), I probably rate it a five and a half.
Thanks guys for reading! I hope you enjoyed! What do you like to do in your spare time? Tell me in the comments! Anyways, see you next time! Bye! ❤️
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