
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

This Might Be the BEST THING EVER!! Part 4

Hello my lovelies! I believe this is my last blog for this term! I hope you enjoy!

So I am going to be talking a bit more about my PBL! So we created a veggie burger over three days worth of creating this burger. The first one, to make the recipe, the second, to create and try our burger, and the third, to make the actual burgers for the big day. Today we presented our burgers. It was complete mayhem, we had a sauce, a kumara chip and spinach on our burger. It was very yum and our ques were pretty long, which meant we had to make A LOT of burgers in a very short amount of time. I was very stressed out. We had a drink that sold very quickly. It was a delicious smoothie. The burgers took a lot of time to make, but here are some pictures!

Reflection: I think that we did very well overall. I am happy with how it came out, but I think I could have handled the stress better. I believe we achieved this to a high standard. I think we did well, and there was little to none room for improvement.

Thanks guys for reading my blogs this term. I hope you enjoyed these terms blogs! Have you ever made veggie burgers? Tell me in the comments! Anyways, I will see ya next time! Have a fabulous day! Bye! ❤️❤️❤️

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

This Might Be the BEST THING EVER! Part 3

Hello my lovelies! I'm sorry, I still have another one coming about PBL! Anyways, enjoy!

So to kick off for this blog, I am going to show you some of our sub artefacts for our PBL. Things like our business cards, our science board, or our logo. I have decided on... Our science board! Here is a picture and I will explain more!
So this is our science board, or now known as PBL board. All of the blue squares have vital information about our project. The small blue cube with a burger in it, is our logo, which says "Meal of the future". And last but certainly not least all of the images. The best two pictures I think, are the one in the centre block, in the middle of that, the picture of fruit. And the one on the top left side, of the left wing. We named these two "Photogenic fruit, and layer cake" Because if you look at the "layer cake" one, it's layered with two different layers of veggies!

I hope you all liked Part 3, I'll see you next time for my next blog! Have you ever made a science board? If so what did you put on it? Tell me in the comments! Have a fabulous day! Bye! ❤️

This Might Be the BEST THING EVER! Part 2

Hello my lovelies! Welcome back to Part 2. I think we only have one more part, and we'll be done! That will be out either tomorrow or the day after. Anyways, enjoy!

So if you can flick back to Part 1, you'll remember our driving question (if you haven't seen that blog yet, go read it, none of this will make sense). Now I am here bringing you my invite. To invite you to come along.
I am super excited to present my project tomorrow! 

Thanks guys for reading. I know this was short, I am sorry! What would you do if you had this PBL question? Tell me in the comments! I hoped you all enjoyed reading! Bye! ❤️

This Might Be the BEST THING EVER! Part 1

Hello my lovelies! How are you all? I hope you are well! Today I am going to tell you about the GREATEST THING EVER! More to come later :). What are you doing up here? Go down there and enjoy!

So our terms PBL (project based learning) driving question was... drum roll please... What will the future ask of us? I am in a pair with one of my very close friends, Casey. We have decided to make a veggie burger. Why? Because the people all over the media are going crazy about how eating meat is tearing our world apart. This subject moved me a lot. I'm not sure why, but I am very close with my three pets. Yep, I got a dog. But that's a story for another day... Or maybe later.. Anyways, I we decided on this one out of two others. Next we had to make a planning template, and this was ours.
Click me! I'm a link
Then we had to start creating our burger. More on that comes in part two..
(About my dog, its a he, his name is Trevor. He is a yellow Labrador puppy and is very demanding and annoying, but I love him a lot)

I hope you guys enjoyed my blog today! Have you ever tried creating a veggie burger? Tell me in the comments and what you put in it! I hope you all have a fabulous day! Bye! ❤️

R.E! We Love Sacraments!

Hello my lovelies! Today I am going to tell you about my R.E Advertisement! Enjoy!

So over the past term we have been learning about the sacraments. I was away as you know. We had to get into groups and create an R.E Ad. We could make a poster, a video, a DLO. Pretty much anything! I got into a group with my two friends, Sophie and Piper, (you should know Piper from my Volunteering, if you haven't read it, stop reading this, and go read that) we decided to make a video! Our sacrament was First Holy Communion. It took quite a long time to make it!

We next had to make a poster on our Sacrament, explaining, defining, image showing and other things! Also if you want to watch our video, you can scan the QR code
I think that we have completed this to a standard that is acceptable in our hub. I think that we have done this unpacked this very well, and I am proud of our work.

Thanks guys so much for reading. I really hope you enjoyed, what sacraments have you made? Tell me what it was like in the comments! I hoped you liked my blog! Bye! ❤️

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Ocean and It's Mysteries

Hello my lovelies! I hope you all are ready for this blog about the ocean. Get down there and read! Enjoy!

So over the past few weeks, we have been doing science. I was away for most of it, but I joined a group with my close friends. Our question was, does the ocean have layers? And our sub question was, do fish drown? We created a magical jar full of different substances, and seeing if they layer. We had corn syrup, water dish detergent, rubbing alcohol and water. All of these ingredients were combined with water and food colouring to make our masterpiece. As you can tell, it was very risky using food colouring in a hub filled with children. And our colour was no better. There was a teeny spillage on the stainless steel, but it was gone with a swipe of a paper towel. We successfully completed our mixing after a long time of getting colours and measurements right. Last thing we did was label them in this order starting from the bottom, trench, abyss, midnight, twilight and sunlight. Next thing we did was our sub question, do fish drown? We put different objects things such as nails, foam bullets, marbles, bead and a bouncy ball. We were testing what different layers each object would float or sink too. Next we had to make a graph, here is mine showing where each item went
As you can see, none of the items went into midnight or abyss. I think this is because none of the items we dropped had the right weight to go into those two. I'm not sure, I'm no scientist. Anyways, I think this was a great experience because all of the students who are going to high school need to get prepared for science and other chemistry classes. I really enjoyed doing science this term!

Thanks so much for reading this blog today! Have you ever done a science project? If so comment your answer and tell me what you did! Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Bye! ❤️

Oh My Gosh... Best Day of My Life!!

Hello my lovelies! I am making this intro short, just to get right into it. We have been doing volunteering. Enjoy my blog!

So a few weeks ago, we did volunteering for places around the city. We had a few choices to choose from, but they all sounded very neat. Our choices were, graffiti removal, food bank or the curtain bank! We had first choice, second choice and third choice to choose from out of those three. I chose the graffiti removal as my first choice, the food bank as my second, and the curtain bank as my third. I got selected for the curtain bank. Now I have to be honest, I wasn't expecting what I was just about to walk into. We walked into a clean room, advertising some of their curtains, our guide led us into the back, then we saw where it all started. Curtains piled high on shelves, held in racks, everywhere, it was a forest of curtains, a sea of colours, we only had the blink of an eye to take in this truckload of colours. But that was only the beginning. Our guide led us through to another room. This was mayhem! The first thing you saw was the pile of curtains, one on top of another, on top of another! It was bonkers! I breathed in the musty smell and smiled at the dusty smell, I heard some others coughing gently behind me, the dust settling and blowing up at our paces. We gazed around at the other workers working to make new curtains. We looked at the mountain of curtains awaiting our climb. We started by learning what exactly we were supposed to be doing. We needed to fold our curtains and measure them. Easy enough? No. You must forget how big and heavy curtains are. Well let me remind you. You need two people to lift it. It weighs about, I don't know, ten to fifteen kg's. We had to measure the length of the curtain, fold it, measure the width, and times it by two since we folded it. Someone would be writing all this information down on a card. Seemed simple. We were told to get into groups of three. I got with two of my friends, Piper and Makayla. I started off writing and watching the others doing the dirty work. I thought it was funny how hard it seemed. We finished our first curtain. On to the second. We did this and next we had to put them in a bag. I stapled the measurements to the curtain, and paired it with the others in that set that matched the measurements of the first. Then it was my turn to lit them. Heavy curtains, dust blowing, you and your friends laughing. It was great fun. The quote of the day was
"Oh gosh, that curtain is VERY widthy" Said by Piper. After all our hard work we got a lunch break. I played cards with some of my friends. Then we had another forty five minutes to finish up that set, and if you were done early, start a quick new one. Finally, we were left with a brochure about the curtain bank.
Overall I had a lot of fun for the day. I have come to realise how valuable peoples time to come and volunteer. People should help out more often, and it really does make you feel so good about what you have done, and the appreciative looks you get. It is truly magical.

I hope you all enjoyed my blog today, and this inspires you too to help out. Have you ever done anything like this? Tell me in the comments! Anyways, that wraps us up for today. Hope you all enjoyed! Bye! ❤️

Children of the Forest... Part 2!

Hello my lovelies! It is my great pleasure to tell you I now have my completed work of my narrative writing, children of the forest. Enjoy!

So like I have said in previous blogs, we have been working on our narrative writing. During this time we have been writing, changing, re-writing, commenting on others and proof reading. I personally love writing. Anyways, my lovelies, please enjoy my story!
Click me, I'm a link!
I know, its very long. So my moral of the story is, never, ever, EVER submit yourself to believing others can fix climate change. Climate change is a real problem and, I for one, want to take a stand against it. People talk the talk, but can they walk the walk? People say they will do anything in their power to fix it, but tell me, is anyone really doing anything? Is anyone really striving to solve climate change? Small deeds will add up. Play your part. Please help our home. We don't exactly have another one, so please do anything you can to save this one.
Here are some ideas to help you prevent climate change!
1. Don't buy any food products with palm oil in them! I know this is a common one, but we are destroying the animals homes! What about the poor cute orangutans homes!
2. Buy things with less plastic. Instead of buying packs of your favourite snack, in a big bag, try buying a larger bag, and then getting reusable containers to keep in your lunchbox!
3. Eat healthier! I know, I know. This probably sounds crazy, your favourite fast food restaurant causes so much pollution and it is making the air so unclean, so try and only have that fish'n'chips you have every Friday, and change it to every second or third Friday.
4. Put your rubbish in a bin! This one is common, but seriously, just put it in a bin. The animals eat your left over milkshake lids, and DIE. Please just put it in a bin..
5. Don't use plastic bags. Don't even go near them. They were bad news the second you wrapped your fingers around it, to store your avocados. Use a paper bag!

Thanks so much guys for reading my blog. I really hope you enjoyed and follow those tips! Have you ever done one of the following things, or seen someone not follow and correct them? Tell me in the comments! Anyways, that's us for today. Bye! ❤️

Friday, September 20, 2019

Winter Sports 🌨🌨

Hello my lovelies! Welcome back! Today, I am going to be talking about winter sports. I did netball for mine, anyways see you down there. Enjoy!

So this, and a part of last term, we have been doing winter sports on a Thursday. Sadly, I could not make it for quite a few, as I was away overseas. During the time I did play winter sport, I played netball. I was in the SFOA C Team, Scorpions. My team had lots of players, and I believe there was three substitutes if we had a full team of seven aside. Winter sports has a few different sports, netball, hockey, rugby and football. Every Thursday, we take the bus to Hagley Park, and play our different sports, against other schools (for hockey they go to another place, they need turf for their games). Our netball season was pretty mixed. We lost quite a few different games, and won a few too. Overall, I am happy with how I played for my time. I wish I was there for more of it. In netball, my (main) positions are probably, goal defence, wing defence or very rarely centre. I liked playing netball for my winter sports team this year, I think we had a great season, and am very proud of my team! 🏐🏐

Thanks so much for reading my blog! What is your favourite sports and why? Tell me in the comments! I hope you enjoyed my blog, and see you next time! Bye! ❤️

I ❤️ Books!

Hello my lovelies! Today I am going to be talking about books, books and more books. Over the past few weeks we have been doing novel study. Enjoy my blog!

So like I said up there, we have been doing novel study. There were a few novels to choose from, but I chose to do Sinking by David Hill. I will be doing a story rating later. So for our novel study, we had to read the entirety of the novel, and complete the novel study slides. I will now share pictures from my novel slides.
So when we started we had to start off with the orientation. We had to use a paragraph from our story, that shares the setting. Here is mine
Our next step was to create a google drawing that annotates the setting. Annotate means to add notes. It took me a while to come up with how I was going to do this, but I am happy with how it has come out. As you can see I have trees, like the paragraph, a footpath and shoes! Take a look.
After that, we had to make our character study. The main character in the story is called Conrad. The next, is Bex, and finally, Bex's Grandfather (if you want to know more I am explaining later). I had to explain things about how Conrad looked, acted like, and his characteristics. It took a little bit of time to find some words that I thought would describe him best. This is mine!

After the last step, we had to make do a story mountain video. Our climax. We had to explain the novel. Here is my video.
Finally, we had to make a DLO (Digital Learning Object). I made mine on story-board, pretty much you make a bunch of pictures with backgrounds, cool characters and animals and other objects. This is mine!

Now for me to explain. So during sinking there are three main characters, the lead, Conrad, the second, Bex, and the third, Bex's Granddad. During the story Conrad is making his way to swim training and Bex's Granddad, George, jumps out and starts screaming things like "Ted, Ted, I'm sorry, I didn't mean too!". Bex alerts Conrad that George is very ill, and that his friend, Ted died in the local river, Te Horo. During the story George meets Conrad, and they get into some pretty good conversations. One day, as Conrad goes over George asks Conrad privately, to come back in ten more minutes. After Conrad comes back, George tells  him that he got a letter with some mean stuff in it. Later that week, he has a letter saying he's gone to say goodbye. Bex and Conrad rush down to Te Horo to find George standing there. Suddenly kids go into the dangerous parts of Te Horo. Conrad jumps in, soon followed by his friend, George, and another guy from swim training. They save the two children, but George is still splashing around. Later they find him downstream. Sadly he died. I rate this book a 7/10. I think it was pretty good, I recommend this book for 9-11 year olds.

Thanks guys so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed my blog. Have you ever done anything like this, what book did you read! Give me a book review in the comments! Bye! ❤️

Children of the Forest...

Hello my lovelies! Welcome back. Today I am going to be showing you all my narrative writing template. I named my story... (scroll up and read the title) Children of the Forest! I hope you enjoy my blog, see you down there...

Hello again. So my template didn't take long to make, because I already had a plot in mind. Have a look, and then I will tell you all about it!

This is my prompt

The Forever Stone is gone, all hope is lost, and their last saving grace is four teenagers…
My story has four main characters, Sam Winters, Luke Miller, Violet Yeung and Matthew Clark. Sam Winters is the lead. She has a severe case of Cancer, and was granted four years to live. They were tasked with the challenge of saving the world from the Unknowns. The Unknowns are not robots, or aliens, but they can control anything they want. The teenagers come across Mother Nature on their quest, and she helps them. They also have a talking squirrel as a mentor. Can they save the world? 

Thank you for reading my blog today! Do you think that Sam, Luke, Violet and Matthew can save the world? Tell me how you think the story should end in the comments! Anyways that wraps us up for today! Bye! ❤️

Space Geeks! Episode 4! Our Planets

Hello my lovelies! I am so glad to be back! I have been overseas for quite some time now. I am so sorry I haven't been here. I am really really sorry. But I'm here now, so yeah! So I decided that I am going to do a new thing on Space Geeks, I am going to go through all of our main planets in our solar system (Pluto included) for the next few episodes. So today I am going to be covering Mercury and Venus, and added special, I am going to be telling you all what I think they would act and look like if they were people! Enjoy!

So first of all we have Mercury. Mercury is the smallest planet (apart from Pluto), and does not have any moons or rings, so it is very lonely, it is the closest to the sun, so probably very hot, and a day on the surface of Mercury is 176 days on Earth. Which doesn't make much sense because a year on Mercury is 88 Earth days. So pretty much you'd get very bad rocket-lag (space version of jet-lat I guess). Mercury was named after the Greek messenger God, Mercury. I think Mercury is definitely cool, closest to the Sun. I don't think human-kind could ever live on Mercury though, because of it being so close to the Sun.

Venus is definitely one of my favourite planets. It is the second brightest natural object in the solar system. Sometimes Venus is referred to as Earth's little sister, like other things. If you can remember my poem about the solar system, you would know that Venus is second closest to the Sun. Did you know a day on Venus is longer than a whole earth year. That would mean staying awake for 365 days and more. I can barely stay awake till 3. Venus is named after the Greek Goddess of love. Venus is often referred to as a she, as she is named after a female. I also don't think we could survive on Venus. She is too close to the Sun, and the days last WAY too long. Venus is nice to look at, but not nice to touch. Sorry Venus.

Now we come to the part where I tell you all what I think these planets would act like. I think that Mercury would be a boy, because the of the God. I picture him to be a small scrawny boy. Red hair and freckles across his nose and bright green eyes with large black glasses. He is very shy and when the other planets get into fights he always is the peace maker. He messages, like the God, and is very friendly with certain planets. I feel like his character traits would be something like shy, friendly, sweet and other things like that. He tries very hard to be cool and bigger, but because he is so small he just gets shoved off to the side. He likes to wear light pink jerseys, and jeans that are rolled up at the ankle. He is one of the more meek and shy planets.

Venus. I picture Venus to be quite more bold and beautiful than Mercury. Venus is a she, like the love God. She has black shoulder length hair, which is very straight, she has tan skin, and full lips. I imagine her to be a very stereotypical model type girl. She was a bit of a brat when she was younger, but now she has a very robust personality. I picture her traits to be things like sassy, and a bit full on, out there and queen bee type girl. She is a lot to handle for some planets like Mercury, but goes well with some of the other out there people. She likes to wear light blue shirts with ripped jeans and chokers. She is one of the more bold and full on planets

Thanks so much for reading my first blog this term! I really hoped you liked this episode! What would you have described Mercury and Venus like? Tell me in the comments! Next time I am going to be doing Earth and Mars. I hope you enjoyed. Bye! ❤️